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EMC - a definition
EMC means nothing more than "an electronic or electrical product shall work as intended in its environment. The electronic or electrical product shall not generate electromagnetic disturbances, which may influence other products". In other words, EMC deals with problems of noise emission as well as noise immunity of electronic and electrical products and systems. Electromagnetic disturbances occur as conducted interference as well as radiated emissions and immunity problems.
Generally EMC, Electro Magnetic Compatibility, should really not be difficult to understand, but as you know, the devil is in the details. Let us explain the topic in a little bit more details. For those of you who are EMC-experts, we hope you excuse us for making some "non-scientific" simplifications. 
The word EMC does not include the influence of electromagnetic waves (either desired or undesired) on biological systems. This is a much larger field and is covered by the expression "EMCE" ("E" is for environmental), which is not the topic here and is also not the field in which EM TEST works.

Where EMC got started
The history of EMC
Let us go back in the history of EMC. EMC is older than you may believe.
We are all living with our history. The same is for EMC. You may not know, as many EMC experts also do not know, how everything was started. We want to give you a short summary of the history of EMC in Europe. The following is not given in great detail, but it does illustrate why we are where we are today in the EMC world.

The new age of communication in Europe began 1892 when the German Parliament voted to create the "Law of egraph in the German Empire". This was the first law in the world that dealt with influences of electromagnetic disturbances on products and installations in the field of egraph technique. This law also regulated the procedures to be followed in case such electromagnetic disturbances were found. People at that time had discovered very quickly that cables did disturb each other. The disturbances on egraph and ephone communication were the most severe. The German Society of Electrotechnicians, founded in 1893, was the foundation of what today is well known as VDE. Wilhelm von Siemens was one of the original founders of this famous society.

More than 110 years ago EMC was not a big matter but this was changed immediay in the evening of December 22 in 1920. On this night, the radio station of König Wusterhausen southeast of Berlin broadcasted the Christmas concert of the German mail officials. The concert was a live event and the audience included the German Chancellor Hermann Müller, who was close to the concert location in the famous castle of König Wusterhausen. The Chancellor was not very amused by the electrical noise interference generated by vehicles passing by and he gave strict orders to immediay prevent such disturbances. The hour of "Radiated Emission" had come and was then later on called EMC.

EMC standardization in the past
The first steps towards standardization ...
Germany was among the first to recognize the need to prevent and solve the problems of radiated emissions. In 1933, the international committee for radiated emissions, better known as CISPR was founded. Late in the 60's, concrete investigations were made to deal with the immunity of electrical products. In 1973 the International Electrotechnical Commission, the IEC, founded the technical committee TC77 whose function is to develop standards related to EMC.

In the 2nd World War knowledge of electromagnetic waves and their ability to create disturbances was used. During the war, radar technology was developed. Not only did the new communication technologies of radio, evision and ephone require electromagnetic compatibility, they were the driving force in changing from tube technology to transistors. The evolution of highly integrated chip technologies requires a broad understanding and use of EMC design experience.

As the technology progressed, legislation and standardization was developed to insure the harmony of the new sciences from an EMC standpoint.

Lets go back again to the German example. In 1927 the first edition of the "Deutsche Hochfrequenzgerätegesetz" was published. The recommendations of Chancellor Müller were successfully introduced although it took about 7 years to result in an official law. The new law was revised several times and was matched to the technical progress. This law was valid until December 31 of 1995 and was then replaced by the German EMC law, which is based on the European Directive.

Every product's reliability depends on EMC
No electrical product or installation can be designed seriously unless all aspects of EMC are taken into account. This is not only important for common products such as radios, evision sets, computers, ephones, washing machines, etc., but it is also especially important for complex products such as vehicles, aircraft, ships and large industrial installations. These are very sensitive to EMC problems and no one wants to accept serious disturbances within a big chemical plant.

Because of all the efforts made and being made to insure EMC compatibility, people start to believe that, after a certain time, all products are safe and immune. Sorry, but this has not come true as yet. Each new generation of engineers and technicians are again challenged by the issue of EMC with each new product and within each new installation. Practical solutions to EMC problems are not taught at universities. This can only be achieved with many years of experience in the field and testing. This is where EM Test can be of help.

EM Test has the task of educating engineers and technicians about EMC. EM Test can use its EMC experience to help all. Remember how this very interesting technical field began and developed. Only those who know the sources, and our sources are the basics of EMC, know where he has to go. We know the issues from the very beginning and will support you so that you better understand them. Let's go together a part of this way and let's keep in contact. By reading this message you have completed the first step.


欧洲的新通讯时代开始于1892年,当时德国议会投票决定建立德意志帝国的《电报法》。这是世界上*条处理电报技术领域中电磁干扰对产品和装置影响的法律。该法还规定了在发现电磁干扰的情况下应遵循的程序。当时的人们很快就发现电缆确实互相干扰。电报和通信的干扰zui为严重。对电工的德国社会,成立于1893,是*的VDE是什么今天的基础。Wilhelm von Siemens是这个社会的创始人之一。

110多年前EMC并不是一件大事,但在1920 12月22日的晚上,这种情况立即改变了。在这个晚上,KöNIG Wusterhausen东南柏林电台播出的德国邮政官员的圣诞音乐会。这场音乐会是一个生活事件和观众包括德国总理Hermann Müller,谁是接近演唱会地点在的KöNIG武斯特豪森城堡。校长对过路车辆产生的电噪音干扰不甚感兴趣,他下令立即阻止这种干扰。“辐射发射”的时间已经到来,后来称为电磁兼容。




让我们再回到德国的例子中。1927的*个版本的“德意志hochfrequenzgerätegesetz”出版。校长ü建议M ller成功引进了虽然大约花了7年的结果在一个正式的法律。新法律修订了几次,与技术进步相匹配。该法有效期至1995 12月31日,其后由德国EMC法取代,该法以欧洲指令为基础。








