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    中国电子行业仪器供应商——坚融实业JETYOO INDUSTRIAL & 坚友(上海)测量仪器JETYOO INSTRUMENTS,专业为中国区用户提供的仪器设备、技术培训与售后维修服务,Support、销售Sale、服务Service,3S公司,推出美国DESCO50569  ESK-1现场静电测试套件ESD Survey Kit解决方案。

DESCO50569  ESK-1现场静电测试套件ESD Survey Kit解决方案应用于:
高科技: 半导体、微电子、磁盘驱动器、液晶显示器、激光/光学、航空航天
工业: 石油化工、矿业、交通运输、电站、涂装、印刷
医院/医疗: 手术室、病房、隔离室
科研教育: 材料分析实验室、微生物实验室、化学实验室、生命科学实验室、药品测试

美国DESCO50569  ESK-1现场静电测试套件ESD Survey Kit包含以下配置:
标准配置:    数量:    用途:
19492测试表    1个    测试静电压
19498电极板    1个    测试静电消除器的离子平衡度和散电效果
19496高压产生器    1个    产生+/-1000V以上电压
19448电极板    1个    测试人体静电位
19787测试表    1个    测试静电电阻和温湿度
50003重锤电极    2个    测试点到点电阻, 体积电阻, 接地电阻
19783连接线    2条    连接20780测试表和50003重锤电极
98131测试表    1个    测试手腕带和电源插座是否合格
19245测试表    1个    测试接地电阻
手提箱    1个    所有以上物品放置在该箱内, 方便携带

 TECHNICAL  BULLETIN TB-3064  Made in the United States of America

ESD Survey Kit Operation and Maintenance Description
The Desco ESD Survey Kit is used for measuring, verifying, and qualifing products for used in the ESD Protected Area.  The kit includes the following instruments:
  Digital Surface Resistance Meter  to measure resistance point-to-point (Rtt) or surface to ground (Rtg) in accordance with ESD Association Standard ANSI/ESD S4.1.
  AC Outlet Analyzer to confirm that an outlet’s wiring is correct and the path to earth ground via the equipment grounding conductor (the green wire) is intact.
  Low Resistance Tester  to measure the resistance of grounding paths of banana jacks and other equipment.
  Field Meter/Ionization Test Kit to measure static fields and to measure offset voltage (balance) and charge decay of ionization equipment.
  Human Body Model Test Fixture to measure electrical charges generated on the human body while walking or moving across an insulative or conductive surface.
  Training Paddle Set to demonstrate the creation of static charges and the functionality of ESD control products.

The ESD Survey Kit is available in two models:
  Item      Region        Voltage
 50568    North America   120VAC
 50569    Asia            220VAC

Figure 1.  Desco  50568  ESD Survey Kit, North America, 120VAC
Figure 2.  Desco  50569  ESD Survey Kit, Asia, 220VAC

DESCO50569  ESD Survey Kit
Per ANSI/ESD S20.20 section Compliance Verification Plan Requirement “A Compliance Verification Plan shall be established to ensure the organization’s compliance with the requirements of the Plan. Formal audits or certifications shall be conducted in accordance with a Compliance Verification Plan that identifies the requirements to be verified, and the frequency at which those verifications must occur. Test equipment shall be selected to make measurements of appropriate properties of the technical requirements that are incorporated into the ESD program plan." Compliance Verification Plan Guidance “In addition to internal audits, external audits (Organization and supplier of ESDS items) should be performed to ensure compliance with planned requirements. Verifications should include routine checks of the Technical Requirements in the Plan.  The frequency of verification checks should be based on the control item usage, its durability and associated risk of failure."

This clearly states the necessity of having the means to perform regular surveys at your facility.  The ESD Survey Kit will enable you to do this.
The ESD Program Standard ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 

Qty     Item            Description                                            Technical Bulletin
1      19787      Digital Surface Resistance Meter Kit                           TB-3062
1     98131      AC Outlet Analyzer and Wrist Strap Tester, Asia, 220VAC         TB-2099
1     19245      Low Resistance Tester                                           TB-3055
1     19493      Ionization Test Kit                                             TB-3041
1     19448      Human Body Model Test Fixture                                   TB-3040
1       -        Training Paddle Set                                                -
1       -        Heavy Duty Carrying Case                                           -

Qty   Item     Description                                                              Technical Bulletin
1    19787     Digital Surface Resistance Meter Kit                                        TB-3062
1    98132     AC Outlet Analyzer and Wrist Strap Tester, North America, 120VAC            TB-2099
1    19245     Low Resistance Tester                                                       TB-3055
1    19493     Ionization Test Kit                                                         TB-3041
1    19448     Human Body Model Test Fixture                                               TB-3040
1     -        Training Paddle Set                                                           -
1     -        Heavy Duty Carrying Case                                                      -

Figure 3.  Extendable handle on the carrying case
Weight  28 lbs  (13 kg)
Dimensions   22.0"  x 13.8" x 9.0"  (56  cm x 35 cm x 23 cm)

Limited Warranty
Desco expressly warrants that for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase Desco ESD Survey Kits will be free of defects in material (parts) and workmanship (labor).  Within the warranty period, a credit for purchase of replacement Desco ESD Survey Kits, or, at Desco’s option, the ESD Survey Kit will be repaired or replaced free of charge.  If product credit is issued, the amount will be calculated by multiplying the unused portion of the expected one year life times the original unit purchase price. Call our Customer Service Department at 909-627-8178 (Chino, CA) or 781-821-8370 (Canton, MA) for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) and proper shipping instructions and address. Please include a copy of your original packing slip, invoice, or other proof of date of purchase. Any unit under warranty should be shipped prepaid to the Desco factory. Warranty replacements will take approximay two weeks.

If your unit is out of warranty, call our Customer Service Department at 909-627-8178 (Chino, CA) or 781-821-8370 (Canton, MA) for a Return Material 
Authorization (RMA) and proper shipping instructions and address. Desco will quote repair charges necessary to bring your unit up to factory standards.

Warranty Exclusions
THE FOREGOING EXPRESS WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER PRODUCT WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH ARE SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. The express warranty will not apply to defects or damage due to accidents, neglect, misuse, alterations, operator error, or failure to properly maintain, clean or repair products.

Limit of Liability
In no event will Desco or any seller be responsible or liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of or the inability to use the product. Before using, users shall determine the suitability of the product for their intended use, and users assume all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith.





