产品中心您当前的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > > 红外热像仪 > U5855A美国KEYSIGHT是德TrueIR热像仪

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U5855A 美国KEYSIGHT是德TrueIR热像仪,350°C
U5856A美国是德KEYSIGHT红外热像仪 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 650 °C
U5857A美国是德KEYSIGHT热像仪 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 1200 °C

产品特性Product characteristics

       中国电子行业仪器优质供应商——坚融实业JETYOO INDUSTRIAL & 坚友仪器JETYOO INSTRUMENTS,专业为中国区用户提供*进的仪器设备、技术培训与售后维修服务,是Agilent安捷伦【现改名为keysight是德】厂家认证的Support、销售Sale、服务Service,3S公司,为上海华东地区一家以技术为导向的仪器综合服务商,是您值得信赖的电子行业仪器专家。


U5855A 美国KEYSIGHT是德TrueIR热像仪,350°C
U5856A美国是德KEYSIGHT红外热像仪 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 650 °C
U5857A美国是德KEYSIGHT热像仪 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 1200 °C

U5855A 美国安捷伦Agilent是德科技KEYSIGHT TrueIR热像仪描述

U5855A TrueIR 红外热像仪可以避免生成不合标准的热成像图。U5855A 适用于预测性维护,包括工业或商业应用中的热点检测、散热分析,以及建筑验收或医学研究应用。该热像仪提供 320x240 精细分辨率功能,并且价位低于市场同类产品。另外,它可将远距离对象的热成像图放大 4 倍,帮助了解图像细节和快速发现问题。热像仪支持 10 cm 微距拍摄,对无缝结构或微细元件提供清晰锐利的热成像图。

U5855A 还配备了多种测量和分析工具,用于监测温度随时间的变化并跟踪温度zui小值和zui大值等,使您能够轻松获得温度记录图、散热图等图像。它还提供内置快速入门指南,帮助您快速掌握热像仪操作。

借助免费的 TrueIR 分析和报告工具,您能够轻松导入、分析和编辑热成像图,并且使用现成模板快速生成报告。更可贵的是,热成像图、可见光图像或红外可见光图像可以并排显示,以供进一步分析。

美国安捷伦Agilent是德科技KEYSIGHT U5855A TrueIR热像仪主要特性与技术指标
精细分辨率功能,160 x 120 检测器能够获得高达 320 x 240 像素的有效分辨率
4 倍数字变焦,放大远距离对象以查看更多细节
10 cm 微距热成像,精确测量对象并明确区分无缝元件

采用重心平均分布的设计,整体重量仅为 746 克
支持通过 SD 卡扩展存储容量

内置测量和分析功能以及 0.07° C 热敏性(噪声等效温差)


Find potential problems more quickly with the higher resolution and affordability of the U5850 series TrueIR thermal imagers. Get 320 x 240 pixels of in-camera fine resolution from its detector resolution of 160 x 120 pixels. With the built-in image logging capability, easily track performance of the system you monitor at a specific interval. Plus, you can analyze temperature changes over time with trending graph.

Coupled with the powerful manual focus feature, users can focus on an object as close as 10 cm away – our solution provides clearer and sharper thermal images that reveal finer details.

Identify abnormalities faster with 4x more in-camera fine resolution
Monitor temperature changes through image logging and temperature trending capabilities
Ability to focus on objects as close as 10 cm away
Compact, lightweight, ergonomic
High temperature range (up to 1200 °C)
Easy-to-use customizable color palette
Configurable quick access buttons to easily change settings with one hand
Long product warranty - 3 years

U5856A美国是德KEYSIGHT红外热像仪 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 650 °C主要特性与技术指标
Identify abnormalities faster with 4x more in-camera fine resolution
Monitor temperature changes through image logging and temperature trending capabilities
Ability to focus on objects as close as 10 cm away
Compact, lightweight, ergonomic
Measure temperature up to 650 °C
Easy-to-use customizable color palette
Configurable quick access buttons to easily change settings with one hand
Long product warranty - 3 years

U5857A美国是德KEYSIGHT热像仪 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 1200 °C主要特性与技术指标
Identify abnormalities faster with 4x more in-camera fine resolution
Monitor temperature changes through image logging and temperature trending capabilities
Ability to focus on objects as close as 10 cm away
Compact, lightweight, ergonomic
Measure temperature up to 1200 °C
Easy-to-use customizable color palette
Configurable quick access buttons to easily change settings with one hand
Long product warranty - 3 years

Find potential problems more quickly with 320 x 240 pixels of in-camera fine resolution. The U5856A is ideal for predictive maintenance activities, from hot spot detection to thermal profiling in industrial or commercial applications and higher temperature applications, such as welding, petro-chemical. Only from Keysight can you get a 320x240 fine resolution thermal imager with image logging and temperature trending capability at a lower price than the typical 320x240 thermal imager.

The U5850 series TrueIR thermal imagers have image logging capability, which enables you to log images at an interval over a period of time. Together with the trending analysis from the complimentary TrueIR Analysis and Reporting Tool, you can easily conduct temperature profiling on your design, perform equipment failure analysis or monitor machine performances.


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上一篇:E5071C是德KEYSIGHT E5072A网络分析仪

下一篇:美国是德科技静电计高阻表keysight B2985A
