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日本爱德万ADVANTEST R3752CH矢量网络分析仪,日本爱德万ADCMT网络分析仪5Hz至500MHz ,300MHz to 6GHz
* 2个测量通道,4条曲线
* 115dB动态范围

产品特性Product characteristics

    中国电子行业仪器优质供应商——坚融实业JETYOO INDUSTRIAL & 坚友(上海)测量仪器JETYOO INSTRUMENTS,专业为中国区用户提供的仪器设备、技术培训与售后维修服务,厂家认证的Support、销售Sale、服务Service,3S公司,为上海华东地区*一家以技术为导向的仪器综合服务商,是您值得信赖的电子行业仪器专家。

日本爱德万ADVANTEST R3752CH矢量网络分析仪,日本爱德万ADCMT网络分析仪5Hz至500MHz ,300MHz to 6GHz特点
* 5Hz~500MHz 
* 2个测量通道,4条曲线
* 115dB动态范围

日本爱德万ADVANTEST R3752CH矢量网络分析仪,日本爱德万ADCMT网络分析仪技术指标
SEMeasurement functions
Numberof measurement channels max.2 channels/4traces
Measurement settings
R3752A/R3752AH/R3753A/R3753AH A/R,B/R,A/B,R,A,B,
R3752EH/R3753EH A
R3752BH/R3753BH A/R,R,A
Displayfor mats
R3752 Series
Log/linearamplitude,phase,groupdelay,real and imaginary part,|Z|,R,X,|Y|,G,B,
Signal characteristics
Frequencyrange;resolution 5Hz to 500MHz;0.1Hz
Referenceoscillator(aging) ±5*10^-6/day(25±5℃)
with Option 20 ±2*10^-8/day
Output level +21 to -63 dBm(output 1)
Resolution 0.1dB
Accuracy 0.5dB(0 dBm,50MHz,25±5℃)
+21to -35dB ±0.5dB
-35to -63dB ±1.5dB
Frequency reaponsess(25±5℃)
5 Hz to 100kHz ±4dB
100kHz to 1MHz ±2.0dB
1 to 300MHz ±1.5dB
300to 500 MHz ±2.0dB
Impedance 50Ω(output1)
Sigal purity
Harmonic distortion <-20dBc
Nonharmonic distortion <-30dBc or -70 dBm(thehigher value applies)
Sweep characteristics
Parametsrs frequency ,level
Range 5Hz to 500MHz,+21to -43dBm
Sweep mode linearfrequency or level sweep ;userdefined
Sweeptime 0.1ms/testpoint(100kHz resolution)
Testpoints 3,6,11,21,51,10,201,301,
Trigger continuous,single,external
Output direct or via power splitter(R3752E,R3753Edirect only)
BNCconnector ,50Ω
Power splitter(R3752A/B,R3753A/B,only)
Insertion loss 6dB
gAIN ERROR <0.1dB ,at>100MHz<0.2dB
Phase error typ.1°
Receiver characteristics
Input impedance 50Ω or 1MΩⅡ20 pF
Msximum input level
50Ω 0dBm (Att=0dB:-20dBm)
1MΩ 224mV(Att=0dB:22.4mV)
Noise level
500kHz to 300 MHz -115 dBm at RBW≤1kHz
300 to 500 MHz -110dBm at RBW≤3kHz
Resolution bandwidth 3Hzto 10 kHz in 1 to 3 steps
Amplituderation aeasurement(R3752/53/A/B)
Range 0±120dB(RBW 1kHz)
Resolution 0.01dB
Amplitued response ±0.05 dB(-10 to -60dBm)
Phase ratiomeasurement(R3752/53/A/B)
Range ±180°
Resolution 0.01°
Accuracy 50MHz
Frequency response(25±5℃) 5°pp(up to 100MHz)
10°pp (up to 300MHz)
20°pp (up to 500MHz)
Amplitued response ±0.3°(-10to -50 dBm)
Group-delay measurement 1ps to 250 s
Resolution 1 ps
Aperture frequency 0.01to 50% of frequency span
R3752 Series alphanumeric fluorescent display,256*
64 dots(32*8characters)
Markers upto 10 independent markers+delta
marker wiht the option of
showing all
markers in a list
Automatic searchfunction min,max,bandwidth,etc,SWR,filter
Data transfer
Built-in BASIC controller provded as standard,high-speeed
evaluation functions for essential
rtace points though direct data
access;control of external devices via IEC/IEEE bus 3.5",720Kbyte(DD)
External interface 15-pinVGA
IEC bus (IEEE 488 .2,SCPI)
RS-232(for BASIC controller only)
Parallelinterface TTL 8-bit output,4-bit input/outputfor
BASIC applications;Keyboard:
PS2 connectorfor US deyboard

Vector Network Analyzer
Alphanum,fluorescentdisplay R3752A/R3752AH/R3752EH/R3752BH 日本ADVANTEST爱德万ADCMT网络分析仪
TFTcolour LC display R3753A/R3753AH/R3753EH/R3753BH

R3755A / R3760 Board Network Analyzer
The R3760 network analyzer, 
low in cost and with a space-saving design, measures and evaluates the frequency characteristics of receiving/transmitting antennas and filters, which are used for wireless communications such as phones, WiMAX, WiFi, and ETC systems for ubiquitous communication.
The R3755A network analyzer 
evaluates the frequency characteristics of electronic components, such as the crystal resonator and ceramic resonator used in a broad range of electronic equipment, as well as antennas for receiving/transmitting wireless signals.

6GHz Board Network Analyzer R3760
Compact size, light weight, low power consumption of less than 20 W, and with the capacity to drive up to eight units in parallel.

Frequency range300MHz to 6GHz
Output level0dBm to -10dBm (≤3GHz)
Measurement parameter
Transmission / Reflection
External dimensions
PCI board, half size, 2slots
Input / output
Parallel I/O (Standard)
300MHz Board Network Analyzer R3755A

Compact size, light weight, low power consumption of less than 15 W, and with the capacity to drive up to eight units in parallel.
Frequency range10kHz to 300MHz
Output level+18dBm to -43dBm (1MHz to 300MHz)
Measurement parameter
External dimensions
PCI board, half size, 1slots
Input / output
parallel I/O (Standard)
Key Features
 The new board network analyzer used including in a personal computer.
Software development environments: Microsoft VB and C++.
Provide a production line with optimality space-saving and cost-saving.
? Please inquire about recommended personal computer.

Application example
Make your PC a Network Analyzer
More affordable cost than bench type analyzers
PCI card-type best fitted for system integration
The embedded Network Analyzer realizes test cost reductions and space-saving solutions for manufacturing, test systems and maintenance equipment.
 Return loss / VSWR measurement of antenna
Multi-port measurement for antennas
MRI system and antenna
Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) system
Crystal resonator
Tuning Fork Crystal
Gyro sensor
Piezoceramic actuator
Return loss / VSWR measurement of antenna
R3760 provides test cost reduction of antenna such as for cell phone, WiFi, GPS, and vehicle.
Multi-port measurement for antennas
R3760 with A170009 enables 4-device measurement of reflection characteristics at a low cost.
Resonant frequency measurement of RFID/NFC
R3755A brings resonant frequency measurement of RFID/NFC (Near Field Communication) devices using 13.56 MHz signal and contributes to cost reduction in development, production or maintenance.

Production, installation and maintenance of MRI system
MRI systems require appropriate antenna in its equipment and it is important to adjust resonant characteristics associated with SNR. R3755A can measure the resonant characteristics (VSWR, Impedance and Q value) at low cost.
Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) system
QCM system which uses quartz resonator as sensor is one of the methods to quantify chemicals. The technique takes advantage of resonant frequency change of the quartz crystal as substances are adsorbed on surface. R3755A can solve shortcomings of the conventional way using a frequency counter and an oscillating circuit.
Crystal resonator manufacturing and testing 
R3755A is applicable in various phases of manufacturing and testing for crystal resonators.

U3741 频率范围: 9kHz 到 3GHz
U3751 频率范围: 9kHz 到 8GHz
U3771 / U3772 频率范围: 9kHz 到31.8GHz/43GHz
U3841 / U3851 频率范围:9kHz 到3GHz/8GHz
U3872 频率范围: 9kHz 到43GHz
日本爱德万ADVANTEST板卡型网络分析仪 针对天线与晶振的各种测试,小巧且低成本的测试设备
R3755A 频率范围: 10kHz 到 300MHz
R3760 频率范围: 300MHz 到6GHz


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